Achtformpool - The Complete Pool Kit
Achtformpool - The Complete Pool Kit
Blog Article
Achtformpool ist ein vollstandiges Schwimmbadset inklusive Sandfilter, Stahlleitern und Skimmer sowie ein Einbauskimmer mit Einlaufduse. Durch ihre spezielle Form können Sie diese Schwimmbecken recht leicht reinigen.
Die verschiedenen Poolkomponenten, wie z.B. Poolleiter oder Reinigungsset, sind auf einer einzelnen Europalette zusammengepackt. Für längere Zeit sollte Ihr Schwimmbadset in einer Garage lagern.
Easy to install
Our achtformpool comes in a complete set and can therefore be easily installed on your own, even if you are not a professional pool builder. However, it is always a good idea to hire an expert who can supervise the construction. This way you can be sure that your pool will be well built and will last a long time.
The first step is to lay the pool lining on the ground. This is a very simple job, as the lining comes in a roll and is very easy to handle.
After the lining has been laid, the next step is to install the metal frame. This is done using a special mounting system and can be carried out very quickly. Then the steelmantel and Innenhull are attached to the frame. All this is done without any welding, so there is no danger of corrosion. The necessary offnungen for the Skimmer und Einlaufduse are already welded to the frame via an aluminium passgenaue Steckprofil.
Easy to maintain
With achtformpool you can quickly realise your dream of having a swimming pool in your garden. We deliver the complete pool kit including Skimmer and Einlaufduse, so that you can easily build your own Oase in a few days. The Stahlwand is pre-assembled, so you don’t need to do any complicated welding work.
The pool’s steel mantel is made of welded, multi-layered Edelstahlmantel with a high corrosion resistance. This makes the pool especially durable and long-lasting. The multi-layer polyesterlack coating of the steel also prevents the surface from rusting and thus significantly increases its lifespan.
Depending on the model, the Achtformpool can be sunk into the ground in a voll- or teilversenkt form. Germany Pools recommends a steel poolvlies under the pool to protect it from soil erosion and ensures that there are no leakages in the future. We also advise you to lay a protective pool cover over the pool when it is not in use.
Easy to clean
Our pools have an innovative, easily removable lining. This means it’s a lot easier to clean your pool and keep it looking good. In addition, achtformpool has a sturdy stainless steel filtration system that works 24 hours a day to clear out unwanted bacteria and debris.
Our wand pools are made in Germany and are built to last. You’ll never need to worry about the quality of your swimming pool. We also offer a variety of accessories to help you take care of your pool. You can also purchase our cleaning set, which is an excellent way to make sure your achtformpool stays in top condition.
Thanks to the modular construction, your Germany-Pool is able to be built vollversenkt, teilversenkt, or as an Einbaubecken. It can even be used as a stand-alone inground pool. The welded steel construction is stable and withstands even high water pressure. The feuerverzinkte Stahlblech also offers you great stability and a long-term badespass.
Easy to decorate
A achtformpool is easy to decorate and can be easily changed to suit your personal taste. You can paint it in any colour, or choose from a variety of different finishes to create an elegant and unique look. Moreover, it is possible to add accessories such as water features and lighting to enhance the design of your pool even further.
Edelstahl und Aluminium haben die Vorteil, dass sie nicht durchrosten konnen und deshalb uber mehrere Generationen im Garten stehen kann. Ein Swimingpool aus diesem Material ist auch sehr leicht zu bauen, damit ihr Garten viel Arbeit, Zeit und Kosten sparen könnt.
Auf unserem Germany-Pools können entweder teil- oder vollversenkt und oberirdisch frei aufgestellt werden. Der Aufbau ist von einer Stutzkonstruktion zusammengebaut, welche den notwendigen Stabilität sorgt. Der Aufbau wird über sowohl großer als auch kleinere Formenschiene mit Formschnitzern abgedeckt. Hierdurch ist das Schwimmbad kompakt, stimmungsvoll und stabil aufgebaut. Auf einem weiteren Punkt finden Sie ebenfalls ein Skimmer und einen Einlaufduse zur Abwehr von Schmutzzuständen, der vor allem auf Grund von höheren Temperaturen verhindert ist.
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